Enjoy your beautiful care free lawn.
  We serve both residential and commercial areas with affordable and professional lawn maintenance services.
Our outstanding customer service and prompt response make GreenDLawn standout from the rest.  Sometimes lawns get out of control and its nearly impossible for the homeowner to cut it. Don't be scared to call, we specialize in overgrown restorations.
Contact us today at (780) 238-4313 to get started.
Lawn Maintenance & Mowing
Starts at $149.99/Month
Residential and Commercial
Weekly Lawn Mowing and Trimming.
- Lawns Mowed with clippings collected and cleaned.
- Edges are trimmed to perfection.
- Walkways are blown clean.
- Lawn is inspected for health and client is advised if anything is required.
- Organics/Clippings can be hauled away and composted if requested.**